woensdag 25 april 2007


Vandaag was ik op het eiland Innisfree. Dit is een eiland waar ik al meerdere malen ben geweest. De omgeving is erg prettig en rustig.

Ik kijk meestal eerst of ik andere avatars kan vinden op de “map”. Om mee te praten of interactie te zien tussen avatars. Er waren idd een paar avatars aanwezig. Ik daar heen en wat tref ik daar aan, een knuffelend stelletje. Ik had al zo een vermoeden maar het kostte mij moeite om zo die plek binnen te “walsen” en daadwerkelijk te zien wat daar gebeurde. Ik heb het uiteindelijk toch gedaan en ze betrapt! Ik heb alleen geen foto gemaakt. Dat leek me dan wel weer een beetje veel van het goede.

Het is toch wel grappig om te zien dat deze mensen/avatars gebruik maken van non verbale uitdrukkingen.

Een deel van hun gesprek:

[0:30] Elizabeth Wood: So..just the tyop is shaved?

[0:30] Maren Recreant kisses Elizabeth's shoulder...

[0:30] Elizabeth Wood is trying to imagine..

[0:30] Elizabeth Wood: top

[0:31] Maren Recreant slips his tongue (oh dear, now thjis doee not sound right in print?

[0:32] Elizabeth Wood: No..not at the moment when bed beckons and I am not feeling particurly kissy ...catch me when *I* am awake *grins*

[0:32] Elizabeth Wood: You had a good n ight's sleep to be all invigorated..

[0:33] Maren Recreant: One of those male morning things (chuckles)...

[0:33] Maren Recreant: but sure. I'll think of you.

[0:33] Elizabeth Wood flips you over and puts her nose to yours," I get the feeling you are very incorrigible too."

[0:33] Elizabeth Wood: I figured as much butwas going to be very prim and roer and not bring that fact you *smiles*

[0:34] Maren Recreant wriggles.

[0:34] Elizabeth Wood: proper

[0:34] Elizabeth Wood laughs, "Wiggling is only going to make it worse."

[0:34] Maren Recreant: Only incorrigible with very special people - and I haven't been "incorrigible" for a very long time.

[0:34] Elizabeth Wood: Or is that better?

[0:35] Maren Recreant: Amazing what a cold shower and work can do. Learnt that at boarding school.

[0:36] Elizabeth Wood grins.

[0:36] Maren Recreant: E, now it's my turn to be bossy. It's your bedtime (squeezes your hand)

[0:36] Elizabeth Wood: So?

[0:37] Maren Recreant: Mmmm...

[0:37] Elizabeth Wood: I will in just a moment

[0:37] Maren Recreant: off you go. (one last kiss)

[0:38] Maren Recreant: Your lips, your tongue, so sweet

[0:38] Elizabeth Wood: Oay..give me 5 more minutes?

[0:38] Elizabeth Wood: okay

[0:38] Maren Recreant: Now what could wwe do in five minutes, I wonder?

[0:39] Maren Recreant: OK, a warm goodnight snuggle

[0:39] Elizabeth Wood: Tell you that tomorrow if we meet in SL's afternoon..I want to just do someting silly...carzy..

[0:40] Maren Recreant: Good. Very good.

[0:40] Elizabeth Wood: You don't mind that, do you?

[0:40] Maren Recreant: A guy who wanders around the seafloor in a diver's outfit and calls himself "Blackboots" ...

[0:41] Maren Recreant: keeps telling he's online ...

[0:41] Maren Recreant: funny the fvriends you meet here ...

[0:41] Maren Recreant: now hje is crazy.

0:41] Maren Recreant: You, E. are beautiful crazy.

[0:41] Elizabeth Wood: Well..you shall see...

[0:41] Elizabeth Wood: I need a good adventure.

[0:42] Maren Recreant: OK, let's go adventuring.

[0:42] Elizabeth Wood: Sounds good to me...

[0:42] Maren Recreant: Um, but you do taste good.

[0:42] Elizabeth Wood grins.

[0:43] Maren Recreant: I think that little spot just under your chin.

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