Vandaag was ik op het eiland Innisfree. Dit is een eiland waar ik al meerdere malen ben geweest. De omgeving is erg prettig en rustig.
[0:30] Maren Recreant kisses
[0:30] Elizabeth Wood is trying to imagine..
[0:30] Elizabeth Wood: top
[0:31] Maren Recreant slips his tongue (oh dear, now thjis doee not sound right in print?
[0:32] Elizabeth Wood: No..not at the moment when bed beckons and I am not feeling particurly kissy ...catch me when *I* am awake *grins*
[0:32] Elizabeth Wood: You had a good n ight's sleep to be all invigorated..
[0:33] Maren Recreant: One of those male morning things (chuckles)...
[0:33] Maren Recreant: but sure. I'll think of you.
[0:33] Elizabeth Wood flips you over and puts her nose to yours," I get the feeling you are very incorrigible too."
[0:33] Elizabeth Wood: I figured as much butwas going to be very prim and roer and not bring that fact you *smiles*
[0:34] Maren Recreant wriggles.
[0:34] Elizabeth Wood: proper
[0:34] Elizabeth Wood laughs, "Wiggling is only going to make it worse."
[0:34] Maren Recreant: Only incorrigible with very special people - and I haven't been "incorrigible" for a very long time.
[0:34] Elizabeth Wood: Or is that better?
[0:35] Maren Recreant: Amazing what a cold shower and work can do. Learnt that at boarding school.
[0:36] Elizabeth Wood grins.
[0:36] Maren Recreant: E, now it's my turn to be bossy. It's your bedtime (squeezes your hand)
[0:36] Elizabeth Wood: So?
[0:37] Maren Recreant: Mmmm...
[0:37] Elizabeth Wood: I will in just a moment
[0:37] Maren Recreant: off you go. (one last kiss)
[0:38] Maren Recreant: Your lips, your tongue, so sweet
[0:38] Elizabeth Wood: Oay..give me 5 more minutes?
[0:38] Elizabeth Wood: okay
[0:38] Maren Recreant: Now what could wwe do in five minutes, I wonder?
[0:39] Maren Recreant: OK, a warm goodnight snuggle
[0:39] Elizabeth Wood: Tell you that tomorrow if we meet in SL's afternoon..I want to just do someting silly...carzy..
[0:40] Maren Recreant: Good. Very good.
[0:40] Elizabeth Wood: You don't mind that, do you?
[0:40] Maren Recreant: A guy who wanders around the seafloor in a diver's outfit and calls himself "Blackboots" ...
[0:41] Maren Recreant: keeps telling he's online ...
[0:41] Maren Recreant: funny the fvriends you meet here ...
[0:41] Maren Recreant: now hje is crazy.
0:41] Maren Recreant: You, E. are beautiful crazy.
[0:41] Elizabeth Wood: shall see...
[0:41] Elizabeth Wood: I need a good adventure.
[0:42] Maren Recreant: OK, let's go adventuring.
[0:42] Elizabeth Wood: Sounds good to me...
[0:42] Maren Recreant: Um, but you do taste good.
[0:42] Elizabeth Wood grins.
[0:43] Maren Recreant: I think that little spot just under your chin.
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